One of the most underrated talking points in any labor intensive job is overall health and body maintenance. We are in an industry that demands a lot of the body, and, oftentimes, we do not take care of it properly to set us up for success and longevity. Part of it may be a lack of information. Part of it may be laziness. But the bottom line is that preparing our bodies for every day movement will create a better quality of life and a more productive career. That is not even to mention the fitness and training side of things! I am still a young gun, but I have witnessed, first hand, the effect and wear of years and years in the industry. Years of improper squatting and kneeling, of lifting heaters or pumps precariously, and of twisting and untwisting poles results in long term problems with the body. On this platform, I am seeking to enlighten those who work with their hands and labor for a living by providing and directing you to the best practices for maintaining health and longevity long into your career. Work should not hinder us physically for our later years!
Our first focal point will be on our forearms. Leaf netting, brushing, and vacuuming all require a ton of forearm strength and mobility, but it is often something we neglect. I always overhear the “old guys” at the supply distributor complaining about their ailments, and the most often mentioned ailment is tennis/golfer’s elbow. In this video the experts at AthleanX provide some excellent mobility exercises to loosen the tension in your forearms after a long day of use. As we progress on this journey, we will stockpile a database of mobility videos for you to reference any time. And as I generate content, I will be directing you to the experts on mobility. Try this exercise out and share the knowledge with the other techs on your team. It’s a simple practice that will create provide massive benefits!